Welcome to
Dayspring Mennonite
Sunday School: 10:00 am
Sunday Worship: 10:45 am
A Message from
our Pastor
I’m so glad you took the time to stop by and check out what God is doing at Dayspring. We would love to have you visit us for our Sunday service or any other events we may have planned throughout the week.
It is our desire that everyone who chooses to interact with us will be encouraged on their journey and experience Jesus in a new way. We are excited about what God is doing all over the world and we want Him to be honored whenever we meet. We hope you decide to stop in and worship with us.
Thanks again for your time!

Phil Mast
Lead Pastor
Past Posts
Our Mission
To Glorify God, to Encourage, Edify, & Equip believers, to Serve those in need, and to Evangelize the lost
What to Expect
Here are a few things you can expect to find if you choose to join us:
A warm welcome from a friendly face at the door
Sunday School classes for all ages from 10:00-10:40 am.
Worship God through song in a contemporary Praise and Worship service from 10:45-11:30
A sermon preached from the Word by one of our pastors from 11:30-12:00
An attempt to honor God by dressing modestly in a wide range of styles ranging from suit and tie to casual attire
Who We Are
The name "Dayspring" is an Old English word which means dawn or sunrise. It is given as a name for Jesus in Luke 1:78-79 and reflects the fresh start that He brings to the lives of those who follow Him.
Since our church's beginning in 1996, the Lord has brought into our church family people from all backgrounds and walks of life. Many have experienced the freshness of a new-found faith in Jesus or the renewal of a relationship with the Lord, along with the warm love of Christian brothers and sisters.
The Holy Spirit has blessed us in many ways as we strive to live our lives in obedience to the Scriptures. In response we want to reach out and share Christ's love compassionately with those in our community who are hurting, lonely, or in spiritual need. The pastors and others within the congregation are here to serve you through prayer, counseling, teaching, and encouragement.
Our Leadership

Phil Mast
& wife Emily and family
Lead Pastor

Bruce Ramer
& wife Yolanda
Associate Pastor

Glenn Yoder
& wife Leona
Associate Pastor
Our Ministries

Annual Benefit Auction
God has blessed us in amazing ways and so, in an effort to give back, we hold a benefit auction every year on the last Friday in September to help provide financial support to three different ministries. This year the funds will be going to Good Life Ministries, New Horizons Ministries, and Life First Pregnancy Centers.

Annual Church Campout
We at Dayspring love to spend time together, and we love nature. Every year on the weekend following Labor Day, we pack up and head to the mountains to spend the weekend camping at Highland Retreat Center.

Life Groups
We believe that we were designed to live in community and that community is experienced better in circles rather than rows. The goal of our life groups is to help each other grow in our walk with the Lord.

Youth Group
Our youth (15 and up) have a lot of energy and a heart to serve the Lord. They enjoy getting together Wednesday evenings to do a variety of activities. They also enjoy an annual mission trip where they are able to use their gifts to impact a cause in another corner of the world.

Sunday School
Our Sunday morning service begins with Sunday school from 10:00-10:40. We have classes for all ages and are currently going through Answers in Genesis, which is a scope and sequence curriculum. We love to get together to discuss the Bible and find ways to apply its truths to our lives today.

Fellowship Meals
On the second Sunday of each month, we have a potluck meal after the morning service. We all bring a few dishes to share and enjoy a wonderful time of fellowship together.
We believe in:
the Bible as the inspired, infallible, authoritative Word of God.
one God, eternally existent in three persons: the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
the full divinity and full humanity of Jesus Christ.
the creation of human beings in the image of God, but they rebelled against God and are therefore fallen, lost, and estranged from their Creator and in need of salvation.
salvation by divine grace through repentance and faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.
the present ministry of the Holy Spirit who convicts of sin and enables the Christian to live a life of holiness and obedience.
the personal return of Jesus Christ, followed by eternal punishment for the lost and eternal bliss for the saved.
the church as the body of Christ, redeemed by Him and consisting of committed disciples.
the believer's baptism.
the separation of church and state.
the way of love in human relations, including refraining from participation in military and other violent force.
the clear Biblical roles of men as spiritual leaders and women as a vital support for them.
About the Mennonites
The Mennonite denomination began in the 16th century at the time of the Protestant Reformation in Europe. The early leaders sought to recover New Testament Christianity and baptized followers after they verbalized faith in Jesus Christ.
They became known as Anabaptists which was a slur from their enemies meaning "re-baptizers." One of the early leaders was Menno Simons. The name "Mennonite" was originally a nickname used by their adversaries but eventually became the name of the denomination.
Today the Anabaptist-Mennonite faith has spread around the world, with more than 800,000 members.
Dayspring Mennonite Church is a member of the Rosedale Network of Churches,
based in Rosedale, Ohio.
Ministries We Support

New Horizons Ministries, located in Colorado, provides care for babies and children separated from their incarcerated mothers, giving them a safe, secure, and godly environment in which to live and grow. Virtually all operating costs are met by donations from interested churches and individuals from across North America.

Good Life Ministries' goal is to take the message of the love of Jesus to the people of India. GLM holds children's clubs and vacation Bible schools. They have also started three schools among the slum children, including a boarding school, providing them opportunities for a better future and teaching them the ways of the Lord.